Understanding the critical rendering path - 2017-10-09
- 0-100ms - instant feel
- 100-300ms - slight perceptible delay
- 300-1000ms - loss of task focus, perceptible delay
- 1s+ - mental context switch
- 3s+ - user leaves
Vocabulary of useful material regarding flexbox
Password randomizer app which was done with: REST API on Express.js
, Client app on React.js
, Build with npm
, Deploy on Heroku
Part two of original post How well do you know Node.js?.
Modern high-traffic websites must serve hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of concurrent requests from users or clients and return the correct text, images, video, or application data, all in a fast and reliable manner.
Based on original post How well do you know Node.js?. In it, Samer Buna lists 48 questions which be expects a Node.js developer to be able to answer.
ES2017 async and await keywords to write asynchronous code that is more readable and easier to follow than equivalent code based on long promise chains or deeply nested callbacks.
This course will teach you the core Node.js concepts and API modules from simple utility modules all the way to streams and clusters.
A traveling salesman has to visit clients. He got each client’s address e.g. “432 Main Long Road St. Louisville OH 43071” as a list.