Essential Programming Books - 2017-04-23

The list of 129 books deemed fundamental to the art of programming and includes books for various languages.

Front End Handbook 2017 - 2017-04-23

This is a guide that anyone could use to learn about the practice of front-end development. It broadly outlines and discusses the practice of front-end engineering: how to learn it and what tools are used when practicing it in 2017

Book: 'Node.js design pattern' - 2016-10-06

“How could I organize my code?”, “What is the best way to design this?”, “How can I make my application more modular?”, “How do I handle a set of asynchronous call effectively?”, “How can I make sure that my application will not collapse while it grows?”.

If you have such questions without answers, that book is definitely for you!

The aim of this book is to guide you through this emerging world of patterns, techniques and practices, showing proven solution to the common problem.

Development with Webpack - 2016-02-07

Webpack simplifies web development by solving a fundamental problem: bundling. It takes in various assets, such as JavaScript, CSS, and HTML, and then transforms these assets into a format that’s convenient to consume through a browser. Doing this well takes away a significant amount of pain from web development.

It’s not the easiest tool to learn due to its configuration-driven approach, but it’s incredibly powerful. The purpose of this guide is to help you get started with webpack and then to go beyond the basics.