npm scrips as your build tool - 2017-04-29

The course introduces the topic of using npm scripts as a build tool. It starts simple and then continue to build a small website as we introduce new topics.

By the end of the course, you’ll know how to get started and what tools and techniques are needed for you to create your own set of build scripts.

Prettier as a formating tool for JS - 2017-04-26

Prettier is an opinionated JavaScript formatter with advanced support for language features from ES2017, JSX, and Flow. It removes all original styling and ensures that all outputted JavaScript conforms to a consistent style. This goes way beyond ESLint and other projects built on it. Unlike ESLint, there aren’t a million configuration options and rules. But more importantly: everything is fixable. This works because Prettier never “checks” anything; it takes JavaScript as input and delivers the formatted JavaScript as output.

Essential Programming Books - 2017-04-23

The list of 129 books deemed fundamental to the art of programming and includes books for various languages.

Front End Handbook 2017 - 2017-04-23

This is a guide that anyone could use to learn about the practice of front-end development. It broadly outlines and discusses the practice of front-end engineering: how to learn it and what tools are used when practicing it in 2017

Favicon generator - 2017-04-09

With so many platforms and icons, it’s hard to know exactly what you should do. What are the dimensions of favicon.ico? How many Touch icons do I need? RealFaviconGenerator did the research and testing for you.

A static site with a dynamic search function - 2017-04-09

A static site with a dynamic search function? Yes. Alternatively to embeddable scripts from Google or other search engines you can provide your visitors a custom search by indexing your content files directly.

Building a JavaScript development environment - 2017-04-02

Starting a new JavaScript project from scratch is overwhelming. This course provides a playbook outlining the key decisions you need to make. Build a robust development environment that handles bundling, linting, transpiling, testing, and much more.

PatternCraft - 2017-03-05

An awesome explanation of GOF design patterns. The only way to learn pattern is to know what problem it solves.