Class manipulation in Javascript, jQuery and AngularJS

Published 2014-07-02

In this article, I would like to create short reference for how add/remove/toogle class in pure Javascript and with framework.



Property className has value of HTML-atribute class:

<body class="class1 class2"></body>
//class1 class2

document.body.className += ' class3';

//class1 class2 class3


Property classList gives convenient interface for work with certain classes.

  • elem.classList.contains(cls) - return true/false if element has class cls
  • elem.classList.add/remove(cls) - adding/removing class cls
  • elem.classList.toogle(cls) - if element has class cls, remove it, else add class cls


These methods inspect and manpulate classes assigned to elements:

  • $(elem).hasClass(cls) - return true/false if element has class cls
  • $(elem).addClass/removeClass(cls) - adding/removing class cls
  • $(elem).toogleClass(cls) - if element has class(es) cls, remove it, else add class(es) cls



ng-class accepts an “expression” that must evaluate to one of the following:

  • a string of space-delimited class names
  • an array of class names
  • a map/object of class names to boolean values

See the Pen AngularJS, ng-class example by qetr1ck-op (@qetr1ck-op) on CodePen.


ng-style accepts an “expression” that must evaluate to:

  • an map/object of CSS style names to CSS values

See the Pen AngularJS, ng-style example by qetr1ck-op (@qetr1ck-op) on CodePen.