call & apply VS bind, the simplest explanation

Published 2015-08-06

Every one know that apply() and call() are similar function, which set this (change context of function).

But when should be used the bind() method?

call and apply attach this into function/method and execute it immediately:

const foo = {
  name: 'Foo',
  hello(toWhom) {
    return `Hello from ${} to ${toWhom}`;

foo.hello('bar'); // "Hello from Foo to bar", 'world'); // "Hello from Foo to world"

Function.prototype.bind(), on the other hand, creates a new function with a given this value, and returns that function without executing it. It is needed to be invoked separately:

const foo = {
  name: 'Foo',
  hello(toWhom) {
    return `Hello from ${} to ${toWhom}`;

const newHello = foo.hello.bind(foo);
newHello('world'); //"Hello from Foo to world"

It’s very useful with callbacks:

const bar = { message: 'Hello world' };

function sayMsg() {

setTimeout(sayMsg.bind(bar)); // "Hello world"