сусle.js fundamentals

Published 2016-02-02

Cycle.js is a framework where your app is described as a simple function taking an event stream as input and outputting an event stream.

Cycle.js builds on RxJS and is as a reactive and functional JavaScript framework. What does that mean?

1.The cycle.js principle: separate logic from effects

So cycle.js is based on Rxjs and virtual DOM.

Get Rxjs from cdn.js:


Creating element when everything will mount:

<div id="app"><div>   

Now create an observable timer, which will show elapsed seconds:

Rx.Observable.timer(0, 1000)
    .map(i => `Second elapsed ${i}`)
    .subsribe(text => {
            .textContent = text;

So the guide principle in cycle.js is separate logic from affects.

  • Affect is everything what change external world aka changing the DOM.
  • Logic it’s just an event steam.
//Logic (functional), in developer hands
Rx.Observable.timer(0, 1000)
    .map(i => `Second elapsed ${i}`)

//Effects (imperative), in framework
    .subsribe(text => {
            .textContent = text;

TODO: finish the post