How to copy object in Javascript

Published 2016-07-08

There are many ways to copy object in Javascript but most of the time such operation doesn’t do what we expected.

  • Are all properties copied by reference?
  • Are sub-properties merged or replaced?
  • Are accessor, like getter and setters, preserved?
  • And what about Sumbols and other non-enumerable properties?

Shallow VS Deep copy

When we copied reference nor a value, we are doing shallow copy.

Whenever we do an operation like a.prop = b.prop we are performing a shallow copy, meaning that modifying the object property a.prop it will reflect changes in b.prop too.

const a = { 
    obj: {
        test: 'Foo'

const b = {};
b.obj = a.obj;

//if we modify it
b.obj.test = 'Bar';

//it will be reflected in a 

In order to perform deep copy of a.prop:

const a = { 
    obj: {
        test: 'Foo'

const b = {};
b.obj = {};

//not reflected in a
b.obj.test = 'Bar';

Object.assign(target, [, sourceN])

Object.assign performs a shallow copy it merges enumerable properties with priority right to left:

const a = {
    obj: {
        foo: true
    bar: 2
const b = {
    obj: {
        foz: true
    baz: 3
//shallow merge
const c = Object.assign({}, a, b);

//which 'obj' property was copied?
//the priority is right to left
c.obj === b.obj; //true
c.obj === a.obj; //false; // 2
c.baz; // 3

//change will reflect by reference
c.obj.foz = false;
b.obj.foz; // false

Object.assign side effects

There are at least two main subtle problems most developers are not aware of:

  • all accessors, those properties with getter or setter, will be copied as a simple data, invoking the getter during the copy
  • all Symbol keys will be copied too, making Symbol less private or protected than we thing
const uid = Symbol('uid');
const special = {
    get next() {
        return ++this.counter;
    counter: 0
special[uid] = Math.random;

//what could be possible wrong here?!
const notSpecial = Object.assign({}, special);

// if 'next' is declared (and copied) before 'counter'
notSpecial.counter; // 1; // 1 in any case

notSpecial[uid] === special[uid]; // same as special[uid]

“If you want a advice - use Object.assign for simple shallow copy or merge with data that you are sure doesn’t contain accessors.”

Use one of the simple npm package or lodash/underscore/rambda

clone is one a popular package for deep copying:

const clone = require('clone');
let a, b;
a = { foo: { bar: 'baz' } };  // initial value of a 
b = clone(a);                 // clone a -> b = 'foo';            // changes not modify 'b'

Achieve the same result with _.deepCopy:

const objects = [{ 'a': 1 }, { 'b': 2 }];

const deep = _.cloneDeep(objects);
console.log(deep[0] === objects[0]);
// → false


If you don’t have function within your object, a very simple:

const cloneOfA = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(a));

This works with for all kinds of objects contain: object, array, string, boolean, numbers;

Save my day: