Kangax ES2015 quiz, expained

Published 2016-07-26

@kangax’ve created a quiz, it’s very interesting, the solution explains a tricky moment of spec.

Question 1

(function(x, f = () => x) {
  var x;
  var y = x;
  x = 2;
  return [x, y, f()];
  • [2, 1, 1]
  • [2, undefined, 1]
  • [2, 1, 2]
  • [2, undefined, 2]

As we know, parameters create extra scope in case of using default values.

  1. Local variable x shadows the parameter with the same name, var x
  2. It’s hoisted and assigned to default value, to undefined?
  3. Usually yes, but not in this case.
  4. If there is a parameter with the same name, then the local binding is initialize not to undefined but with value of that parameter, that is 1
  5. The variable y gets the the value 1 as well, because var y = x;
  6. x is assigned to 2, x = 2;
  7. Now it’s tricky f(). It is created in the scope of parameters, so x refers to the parameter x, which is 1.
  8. Final values are [2, 1, 1]

Question 2

(function() {
  return [
    ( () => this.x ).bind({ x: 'inner' }),
    ( () => this.x )()
})().call({ x: 'outer' });
  • [‘inner’, ‘outer’]
  • [‘outer’, ‘outer’]
  • [undefined, undefined]
  • Error

Arrow function have lexical this value. This means that, it inherits this value from the context they are defined. And later it stays unchangeable, even if explicitly bound or called with different context.

In this case both arrow function are created within the context of {x: 'outer'}, and bind({x: 'inner'}) applied on the first arrow function doesn’t make a difference.

Question 3

let x, { x: y = 1} = { x }; y;
  • undefined
  • 1
  • { x: 1}
  • Error
  1. let x defines x with value undefined
  2. Destructive assignment { x: y = 1} = { x }, on the right side has a short notation for an object literal - { x } which is equalent to { x: x }, that is in our case an object { x: undefined }
  3. Once it destucted the pattern{ x: y = 1}, we extract variable y, which correspond to the propery x. Since propery x is undefined, the default value 1 is assigned to it.

Question 4

(function() {
  let f = this ? class g {} : class h {};
  return [
    typeof f,
    typeof h
  • [‘function’, undefined]
  • [‘function’, ‘function’]
  • [‘function’, ‘function’]
  • [‘undefined’, ‘undefined’]
  • Error
  1. The IIFE is executed with no explicit this value. In ES6 or with use strict directive it means it will be undefined;
  2. So variable f is a reference to class h {}. It’s type is a function because essentially classes in ES6 are syntactic sugar on top of contructor function.
  3. However, the class h {} is created in expression position, that means h isn’t added to to the environment, and return undefined.

Question 5

(typeof (new (class { class () {} })))
  • ‘function’
  • ‘object’
  • ‘undefined’
  • Error

This is an obfuscated syntax playing, let’s try to figure it out!

  1. The ES6 allow concise method definition, that allows dropping the : function part. So class () {} is a method inside in https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/class#Examples.
  2. Now instead of assigning it to variable, we can instantiate it directly: new class { class() { } }
  3. The result of default class is always an object. So typeof should return object.

Question 6

typeof (new (class F extends (String, Array) { })).substring
  • ‘function’
  • ‘object’
  • ‘undefined’
  • Error

Again an obfuscated syntax.

  1. The grouping operator always return the last argument, so the result of (String, Array) is actually just Array
  2. So we get class F extends Array {}
  3. We can image as it’s assigning operation let f = new F
  4. Obviously that typeof f.substring is undefined

Question 7

  • 1
  • 3
  • 6
  • Error

The spread operator allows to spread all the elements to the array. It works with any iterable object.

  1. String are iterable, meaning that we can iterate char by char. So inner [...'...'] results to an array ['.', '.', '.']
  2. Array is iterable as well, so outer array spreads into new array.
  3. Result of ['.', '.', '.'].length is 3

Question 8

typeof (function* f() { yield f })().next().next()
  1. Generator object has next method, that returns the next value at the yield position. The returned value has signature: { value: <returned value>, done: boolean}
  2. First g.next() has result {value: function f, done: false}
  3. The returned value value itself doesn’t have next() method, so trying to chain methods is an error.

Question 9

typeof (new class f() { [f]() { }, f: { } })[`${f}`]
  • ‘function’
  • ‘undefined’
  • ‘object’
  • Error

Since the syntax of class isn’t correct class f(), the result is an error.

Question 10

typeof `${{Object}}`.prototype
  • “function”
  • “undefined”
  • “object”
  • Error

That one is very tricky!

We have something that looks a bit strange: it isn’t ${Object} how it “should be”, but the ${{Object}}. It isn’t a special syntax it is still a value {Object} in template string ${}.

  1. What is ${Object}? ES6 has short notation for object literal, so in fact it’s just: {Object: Object}, a simple object with the property named 'Object', and the value Object (the built in constructor).
  2. So ${ {Object: Object} }, become '[object Object]'. Because the ${x} is roughly equivalent to the x + '' or x.toString()
  3. Now the '[object Object]'.prototype is undefined

Save my day: * DmitrySoshnikov